Monday, October 14, 2024

Autumn Color

I walked out of the grocery store this morning and started looking for my car.  That's when I realized that not a one of the cars in the parking lot had a bumper sticker.  There was a time when everyone plastered witticisms ranging from their religion to their politics on the bumper of their car.  Now I can't remember the last time I've seen a bumper sticker.   I don't know if this is true of all parts of the country but it certainly is here.  On the way home, I wondered what had changed.  Well, those stickers about guns (for example: 'Keep Honking, I'm Reloading') are a bit too real-to-life these days.   Takes a bit of elbow grease to remove the 'Biden-Harris' and 'Trump-Pence' stickers plus w/ the political temp being so high you could return to find your car keyed.  A rude bumper sticker (example: 'Am I making you drive the speed limit?  Poor Baby.'  -  That is the cleanest rude sticker I know) will bring the resale price of a car down and, with the price of cars after the pandemic, who wants to smack an ugly sticker on them anyway?   Bumpers are the same color as the car and molded to blend w/ the body.  A sticker won't show up as easily as it would on those silver bolted on bumpers of the past.   Some stickers seem to have migrated from the bumper to the car's back window where it's easier to read 'Baby on Board'.   Maybe w/ the rise of social media, people just have other options for announcing fealty to a sports team or cussing out a segment of humanity they don't like.    I thought back to my last bumper sticker - 'Forbidden Lines are Excited'.    How geeky is that?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

For awhile, bumper "stickers" were magnets which came off the car clean when you wanted to change it out. Wonder why I don't see them as much anymore?