Sunday, June 16, 2024

Northern Bluet Damselfly

 I'm not good at planning an activity for my guests: no trips to a park, shopping spree, local event, etc.   Mother Nature though has been helping me out this year.  For example, while Phil & Sheila were here she put on an awesome Northern Lights spectacular for them.  Today was a usual day for Olivia and I.    Started w/ a breakfast sandwich of croissant, fried egg, colby cheese, and bacon with orange slices and raspberries to garnish (Sister Connie taught me to always have some fruit w/ breakfast.)    The rain had finally ended (about 3" overnight).  We drove Jormungandr to get some pictures and see a little of the swamp.  (Ramp aren't yet in bloom but getting really close).  Back home Olivia (who has some serious artistic skills) was put to work painting decorations on wood Christmas Mouse Picture Perchers.  We watched some TV, got in a nap, bopped downtown to photograph five more barn quilt pics before I could forget where to find them.  Salad and pizza for supper.  Sat outside to watch sunset.  It was just getting dark and Olivia was on the laptop showing me she can stream Great Courses DVD's when I noticed the oriole feeder rocking violently back and forth.  A bear was on the lawn batting it.  We both rushed out to the deck yelling.  Even w/ the two of us the bear only ran part way down the trail before stopping and stepping off into the tall grass.  Olivia said she'd never been that close to a bear before.  Voila - a memorable experience takeaway for Olivia from this trip courtesy Mom Nature.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Seems like quite a bit of entertainment.