Monday, June 17, 2024

Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly (female with attitude)

Niece Olivia has an app on her phone that analyzes bird calls.  It not only gives a list of the birds it detected but also a thumbnail pic of what the bird looks like.   She had activated the app while we were watching the sunset yesterday afternoon.  Neat app.   All of the birds it listed I have seen in the area - common yellowthroat, clay-colored sparrow, goldfinch, tree swallow, yellow warbler, etc.    Surprising lot of birds though for the area and short time we'd been sitting there.  Maybe because it was sunset the birds were singing  'dusk chorus'?  Once the sun had gone behind the hill we headed back into the house.  That's when I realized the brown thrasher was still going through her whole repertoire in the plum tree.  Laughed.  I bet the thrasher mimics other bird calls she hears around here and the app also picked up those songs.  Pretty cool trick.

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