Saturday, June 15, 2024


Niece Olivia is working on a farm in the state so bopped up to see me this weekend.  She brought rum-balls that were to die for.  We went out to eat for her birthday tonight and back at the house for a slice of angel food cake.  Two different TV weather forecasters yesterday warned of heat and humidity for this area and gave tips on how to stay cool.  So I'd turned off the heat in Mjolnir, put away the electric blanket for the bed out there, and folded the remaining blanket at the foot of the bed - just in case Olivia wanted it.  However it started raining in the afternoon, the wind came up, and it got progressively cooler as the day went on.  So tonight I dug out the electric blanket again, turned on the heat in Mjolnir, and sent her over w/ a quilt Grandma Mayer made.  Hopefully the weather will clear up (and warm up) enough tomorrow that we can get outside.  Otherwise, Olivia has a couple of on-line programs we can stream from her laptop that sound interesting.  


Brent said...

Nice that Olivia could visit you. In the 90's here in TX. Too hot

Anonymous said...

Glad she had a good birthday!