Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sheila making rhubarb crisp

 Planning meeting last night.  Well, almost.  Two members next to never make it and one of the regulars just had heart surgery.  So ... no meeting where we could vote on anything.  However, the town chairman came to explain to me the problems with having one garbage pickup company for the whole town wouldn't work.  Everyone in the town would have to pay for this service (some state law).  That would create extra work for town officers plus multiple families often use one dump can now and split costs.  This would be an extra burden on them.  Having one dump site isn't workable either since in needs to be fenced and manned when it's open.  (People can be such pigs.)  They did like my other idea from awhile ago about having a monthly picture contest.  Winning pictures would be added to the website and be a way of getting people familiar w/ using the site for information.  They said I should talk to the 4-H leader and school to see if they had photography clubs for kids.  Nothing is going to happen if someone doesn't get working on it.   Not the greatest meeting for me - one of my ideas stunk and the other means I have more to do.   On the other hand, better than needing heart surgery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rhubarb crisp sounds wonderful!
