Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The reason last year's fawn was chased away

Rainy start to the day.  It was also a rainy end to yesterday.  I have the top off the rain barrel (a repurposed large plastic garbage can) and it's positioned to catch rain coming off the roof.  The 3" rainfall we had earlier filled it to the brim but I've been using it daily to water the flowers on the deck.  Speaking of that, time to pick up the flowers that are out at the cemetery.  Drove in and parked.  Stopped for a moment to watch a deer that was walking down the road and turned into the cemetery also.   May and June the deer are more active during the day.  They have fawns that are hidden, need to be fed, then rehidden, etc.  Two to three weeks after a fawn is born it can stay all day w/ mom and they fall back into a more nocturnal lifestyle.  This doe is choosing to hide her newborn in the meadow.  Coyote and bear usually eschew this area and Whip ... well, she'll have to wear a shock collar for a little while.

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