Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Bird feeder

Snowed all day.   We got between 6-7".  Whip and I went for our walk early in the storm so had no problems.  I noticed that Sleipnir's outside motion detector light was staying on.  It's very sensitive to driving snow (or even wind).  While it doesn't normally shine during the day, because of the storm it was dark enough for it to activate.  I grabbed the key and walked out to turn it off inside the building.  Didn't get far before my shoes slipped on underlying ice and I went down.  Fortunately there was enough snow to soften my fall and I had kept a tight grip on the key.  After that the dog and I stayed in.  I signed on-line and bought the Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar (a series of on-line games that begins December 1st), started to unthaw dinner from the freezer, washed clothes, and continued to unpack the car.   My sister had sent a Christmas tin of goodies back w/ me.  I decided to open it early: nuts, sweets, candies, and jam.  I'll treat them like the Advent Calendar - eat a little every day starting on December 1st.  Except there was this whiskey chocolate cake.  I cut off a slice to try.  Wow!  Texted Connie to thank her and tell her she is my favorite sister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I am your only sister so guess you are correct. Ha!
