Thursday, December 01, 2022

Through the snow looms a Canadian Hemlock

When I got Indy, I just walked into the pound, plunked down some money, and picked out a dog.  The pound even threw in a collar and leash.  When I was looking again for a dog a few years ago the cost was 6 times as much, I had to fill out a questionnaire to see if I was worthy, and I provided the collar and leash.  One question was how often would the dog be allowed outside and I'd replied "the dog will go out as often as I do."   I realize now that might have been read wrong by some people.  I should have said I and the dog would go outside multiple times during the day - to fill bird feeders, hang clothes on the line, go into the garden, check on buildings, to take walks.  Whip expects to go w/ me though when it's raining or blowing snow, she isn't as eager.  (I attribute this to some sort of Texas eccentricity.)   On the way back to the house during last night's constitutional, I let her off the leash so she could run around on her own but, with all of the blowing snow, she made straight for the door.  That's when I fell for the second time in so many days.  Just twisted my ankle at the edge of the road in a small frozen rut.  Whip raced back to check if I was doing something fun on the ground but lost interest quickly and trotted back to the house.  This morning the ankle is a bit swollen so I'll take it easy.   Whip will have to go in and out on her own though.

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