Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tree Swallow

 Niece Rachel stopped overnight.  She works for the Department of Natural Resources and part of their responsibility is to take yearly water samples from different areas of a nearby reclaimed mine.  Tomorrow she'll transport them back down to the southern part of the state where they will be analyzed to see if anything from the old mine is leaching into the water table.  While she was here we took a ride in Jormungandr.  I wanted to check on the back fields which were disked.  Then on the low spot in one of the trails to see if it was still underwater (it was).  Then on a large crabapple tree to see if it was in bloom (it was).  Stopped to pull a couple of pockets of yellow rocket we found.  Once back home watched a PBS show I'd been waiting for.  I slept through the middle of it but the beauty of PBS is the show will be reaired a couple of times more within the next two weeks so I can fill in the blanks.  Then it was time to go to bed.  Thinking back on our activities, my entertainment skills leave a lot to be desired.   Best bring a good book if you visit!

1 comment:

Brent said...

There is a lot of things at your place to keep entertained!