Monday, May 23, 2022

Brown Thrasher

 Looks like we are out of 'frost advisory' temps so I set out the plants again.  Caught a foot on Svaldifari's deck guard when I had both hands full of plants.  Went down hard.  I haven't looked in the mirror yet to see if I have a fat lip.  Also forgot to listen for the 'click' meaning the top of the hummingbird feeder is locked into the bottom.  Took awhile to clean up all of that sugar water on the kitchen floor.  Learned if I'm going to take the screen off a window, I need to make sure that window is locked.  Cat's figured out how to push one window open by just enough to get out onto the deck.  They were having a great time until I realized they weren't in the house.  Still a beautiful day.  The air is fragrant from blooming lilacs, plum, and cherry trees.  Everything is now green with the exception of my lawn.  It's full of yellow dandilions, white pussytoes, and blue wood violets.  I was admiring it all when I noticed the brown thrasher hunting past me.  I'd been hoping she would come back this year.  Made my day to see her.

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