Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Bear Visitor

      A picture from neighbor's - Bill & Susan - of the morning visitor to their cabin.

Rain started in the night and continued all day.  Rachel took off early to fill up her truck downtown (which always seems to have the cheapest gas around) and pick up ice for some of the water samples that are required to keep cool before meeting up w/ the local DNR guy.  I did the stuff that has to be done - garbage day so took that down to the end of the drive, set out the potted plants destined for the cemetery this Memorial Day, filled up the bird feeders and hung them from the shepard's hooks, texted my neighbor Doug w/ what my rain gauge read so far.   By then I was cold and wet.  Put dry clothes on, curled up on the couch and read a book.   There is an idiom to "make hay while the sun shines".  It should have a corollary that goes "and rest when it rains."


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