Monday, December 07, 2020

Mitten Tree

The December meeting of the Friends of the Library.  The regular meeting was suspended in favor of filling up bags of goodies and books for children.  Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday we will be giving bags out to those people who call up and request them.  We need to know the age of their child(ren) so we can have appropriate reading materials for them.  I walked into the library as people were figuring out how they would be filling bags.  Delores walked past w/ a box and told me to follow her.  She was headed away from the hubbub so figured that was a good thing to do.  The box she had was filled w/ mittens, footies, leggings, and hats.  There is a small tree set up by the librarian's desk and we pinned everything to the tree.  When a child checks out a book they can pick something off the tree.  I really like this idea since in the dead of winter I've seen kids coming into the library sans hat or mittens.  I tell them to find something that fits from the tree and wear it home.  After Delores and I were done w/ that, we checked back at the main table but that group had found more baggies and were still busy filling them.  Delores and I went back to the front of the library and started decorating the main tree in front of the windows.  By the time we finished, everyone else was done too.  Best of all I only got roped into doing one stint of passing out baggies on Wednesday night.  I can handle that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea - a mitten tree!