Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The path into the swamp

Whip and I were just coming out of the woods on the way back home this morning.  Whip put her nose to the ground and took off to the south.  I kept walking.  She always comes back to me.  I was almost to the gorge when she came running full tilt down the path, passed me, and kept going toward home.  Flopping out of her mouth was a dead rabbit.   Whip didn't stop until she got to the front lawn where she sat down and proceeded to disembowel the thing.   When I finally reached the house my neighbor Blake was there in his truck.  He'd seen us walking in the fields and wanted to talk to me about something.    Wisely he'd decided to keep his distance from the dog chomping on it's lunch.  As I walked up to Whip and the carcass he called out, "Want me to grab that thing and put it in the back of my truck?"  "No," I replied.  I grabbed the rabbit by the ears and tossed it over the fence into the dog run.  I believe that it's good for a dog's teeth to have real bones, hide, and 'hare' (so to speak) to gnaw on occasionally.  Whip played around as Blake and I talked but as soon as I walked back into the house she sat in front of the door opening into the garage.  Whip is smart.  She knew from the garage she could get into the run and that's where the rabbit was.  I obliged her.  I had an appointment and some errands to do and needed a shower before taking off.  I checked to see where Whip was before going into the shower.  She was back in the foyer pushing half of the dead rabbit into the cushions of her bed.  Yech!  I grabbed the bunny part, went outside, and tossed it back into the run.  Later when I left for my appointment, I had to walk past Whip's bed.  She'd ripped up the rabbit into smaller portions and a couple of pieces were now lodged in the cushion folds on the opposite side where I wouldn't be as able to see them.  (I said she was smart.)  I delicately extracted those pieces, tossed them back into the run and shut the door so Whip couldn't access them while I was away.  After finishing my errands, I picked up a latte and a cheeseburger at McD's.  I placed the bag w/ the cheeseburger in it on the floor right next to Whip's nose and went into the house.  After an hour I came back to take Whip on another walk.  She was sprawling across her bed looking a little dejected and the cheeseburger bag was still untouched.  Guess a McD's burger doesn't hold a candle to raw fetid rabbit meat.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Whip the mighty hunter. That story made me laugh. Not so fun to clean up I bet.