Thursday, October 01, 2020

Dunder on the warm spot in the floor

 I don't know if I told you that I bought a big bed for Whip.  She started out using a flannel blanket folded up on the floor which I thought was enough.  However she is a Texan and not used to the more rugged lifestyle of the Northwoods.  I never saw a dog as happy as she was when I picked up the blanket and put down the big bed.  She was rolling about in it, all legs straight in the air and tongue lolling out; jumping in and out and snapping her jaws in the air.  This morning I noticed a similar response in the cats.  I turned on the heat last night (according to the 'rules' you can turn the heat on once in order to be sure the system is working properly before officially turning it on for the season).  My heat in in-floor and off-peak.  That means the concrete slab under the floor heats up but only between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.  When we all went to bed last night the house and especially the floor was quite cool.  This morning I noticed Dunder curled up on a tile that is above a 'hot spot'.  When I sat down at the computer, Blitzen was rolling back and forth on the floor - all four legs in the air (cats don't let their tongues loll unless catnip is involved).  Got me to thinking - What would cause the same response in me? 

1 comment:

Brent said...

Was laughing at your description of your animals finally getting some warmth. For me it is warm flannel sheets on the bed.