Friday, October 02, 2020

Apple Cider

I bopped down to the local Farmer's Market a little  after it opened.  A farmer sells eggs there and I can usually get a dozen provided I get in early.  As an added incentive for him to remember me, I return his empty egg cartons from the previous week.  I checked in w/ my neighbor who also has a booth there and she said they would be pressing apples soon and I should come back and try the apple cider.  The dog and I had a few small errands to do and when we got back to the market, a portable press had been set up and was running.  Whole apples went in at the top and out the bottom came pure apple cider - no preservatives, no added sugar, and very, very, fresh.  It's also not pasteurized.  Pasteurization kills ambient bacteria but also kills the taste in my opinion.  I bought a gallon.  The farmer warned me that the juice wouldn't retain it's current pretty pink color.  Eventually it would begin to oxidize into the same amber color of the apple cider on store shelves.  I've already had two small glasses.  I'm adding fresh raw apple cider as one of the joys of autumn not to be missed.


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