Friday, July 24, 2020

Oriental Lily

Brent left for home this morning.  Phil and Brent do lots of projects when they visit.   Brent calls it 'earning his keep'.  This year they put in a concrete front pad by the front door of Mjolnir (no more tracking in sand).  Besides putting up some shelving in the workshop area and installing Connie's garden pole,  Phil built a bed-stand from left over molding, Brent replaced the 'U' fasteners in the stockade, they installed robe hooks, a safety bar, a toilet roll dispenser, a towel hook, and a towel bar.  They straightened the clothesline (which had begun to curve inwards), replaced weatherstripping around the door to the garage, cut down the tall plants in the dog run,  and cut some small trees that were encroaching along the driveway.  Plus they did some other unplanned projects like install a small refrigerator in Mjolnir and recycle 'The Beast'.  If they did all that to 'earn their keep', I hope my hamburger and rice hot-dish was worth it.


Flip said...

It was.


Brent said...

Good food each day. Never went to bed hungry.