Sunday, July 26, 2020

Milky Way

Cousin Paul sent another picture from his photo shoot in the hay field.  That's the Milky Way in Sagittarius and the bright 'star' is Jupiter at opposition. 

Rainy this morning.  Whip and I took a number of short jaunts but by this afternoon she was itching for a 'proper' walk.  The sun was shining and while I don't think the temp hit 80, the humidity certainly had.  We started out and Whip was following her nose after every scent.  However the humidity started to get to her and she settled down to the path we were following.  When we got back home we were both panting.  She flopped down on the tile floor and went to sleep while I peeled off my sweaty clothes.  Good thing my company has left. (ha)


Brent said...

Nice picture.

Paul said...

That was a lot of fun. Thanks for joining me.

Rachel Angel said...

There was an extremely bright "star" in the east this morning near where Pollux was supposed to be. It was so bright I could still see it when the sun started to come up. Could that have been Jupiter?