Wednesday, June 10, 2020

First Peonies of the year

If you remember, as part of last year's Christmas gift (which the GNO hasn't yet celebrated) the theme was to write a short story (three pages) and give a gift that has something to do w/ the story.  Figured out the gift rather quickly.  Thought about a few story ideas.  Settled on one that has no plot, however I liked the premise since it forced me to do research.  I finished the research but was still procrastinating on actually writing.  I remembered reading that some writers pick a certain time of day to do their writing.  Something about the structure of that helped their creativity flow.  So this week I've been using the time after the constitutional but before the TV Morning News comes on to tackle my 'story w/ no plot.'  It was slow going the first day.  The second day I rewrote most of what I had written the day before.  The third day I rewrote some of it again but a story was developing.  Today I finished the whole thing and it even has a plot (kinda)!   Now I need to work on the mechanics of writing.  Need to keep to one tense throughout.  My spelling has always been atrocious.  The computer has checked what it can but technical words aren't always in it's lexicon.  I also think I've written in all three persons - first, second, and third - that has to be fixed.  Plus checking my use of active and passive voice. Not sure I even remember what that is.  WooHoo! More research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those peonies are beautiful! Carolyn