Sunday, March 01, 2020


When I was much younger I would entertain my little brothers by having them sit on the floor while I stood in front and pretended I was teaching them.  Mom figured I should be a teacher.  Cleaning out the tote from 2005 I found a Strong Interest Inventory that Honeywell had me fill out in 1983 (assume I put it in there while packing to move out of the Big City).  It's a test to find your interest level in various types of jobs.  My score for Elementary teacher, Social Worker, Special Ed teacher,Social Science teacher, and School Administrator were not only in the 'very dissimilar' category but hugging the edge of it as if they would like to fall off the paper.  Home Ec teacher and Business Ed teacher had negative numbers on the scale next to each.  Anyone will tell you that I love to expound on favored and sometimes esoteric subjects. However I agree w/ the test that giving me a bunch of children to teach would not have been a wise decision.  My little brothers might agree too.


Brent said...

I think you would make a fine teacher by making the students look forward to coming to class each day.

Anonymous said...

Your classroom mission would most likely be a question - "What did you learn today that you didn't know before but you want to remember for a long, long time?"


Flip said...

You probably made a wise choice.