Saturday, February 29, 2020

Happy Leap Day!

Leap Day was added to the calendar by Julius Ceaser in 45 B.C.  However, he got the idea from the Egyptians and in true Roman fashion just kinda forgot to give them any credit.  Actually before JC stabilized it, the Roman calendar was very fluid and highly politicized.  An unpopular ruler w/ the Roman priests might find his year in office was only 10 months long while a popular leader could find his term year was 13 months long (and we think things are too political these days.)  The folk tale that women can propose marriage on Leap Day came from Ireland when 5th century St. Brigid of Kildare supposedly complained to St. Patrick that women were forced to wait too long for men to get around to proposing.   For equality's sake women should be allowed to do the proposing too.  St. Pat acquiesced but only allowing women to propose on Leap Day.  In my early days of programming I wrote a couple of macros to figure out future dates which, of course, had to take into account Leap Years.  Doing that same calculation in reverse shows that, w/o Leap Days, today would be July 21st, 2021.  Snow in July!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Was today Uncle Walter's birthday?