Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Practicing Social Distancing

Went grocery shopping and saw a young couple and their son all wearing bandannas over their faces in old-western-bandit style.   Guess that is effective in a pinch though the little guy was having problems keeping his up over his nose.   I talked w/ a friend in a nearby town.  She had gone to four stores and all were out of toilet paper.  However, she found 48 rolls at the house she and her husband are getting ready for sale so now she's pretty well set for the rest of the year.  Friend Kathy sent an e-mail inviting me to a video meeting using Zoom. Except that I looked like a  big out-of-focus blob on their end the first meeting went well.  Turns out a sticky note I'd put over the camera had left residue that mere water couldn't remove.  An alcohol wipe will fix that.


Rick said...

We just left the meeting we held with our small group from church.
We used Zoom for the first time. Pretty slick.

Anonymous said...

It was good seeing you even if you were a blob!


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud seeing this picture! Too funny!
Thank you. I needed that today.