Tuesday, February 25, 2020


I was sitting at the table finishing up my morning cup of coffee when I saw this coyote coming across the field toward the house.  I grabbed my camera.  He trotted around the house and took note of where Indy had done her 'business' this morning.  He didn't seem disconcerted about the smell of a dog so close.  I've heard that canines can tell the age, sex, and condition of another animal from their smell.  Could be this guy felt he could outrun an old dog if it appeared.  I let the coyote continue his arc around the house until he stopped to sniff around where the rabbits live under the deck.  I started barking.  That excited Indy enough to get her barking.  The coyote looked over at us - still unconcerned.  I tapped on the window and waved.  The coyote loped off toward the woods.  I don't want the coyote to make my house a regular stop on his hunting circuit.  It's not that I have any special affinity for the rabbits under the deck but that the cats get outside from time to time.  I don't think it's a good idea for them and the coyote to meet.  You know ... felt kinda good to let loose w/ a bark though.  Might start doing that every morning.


Anonymous said...

Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! Carolyn