Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Fairy House puzzle

The cub scout troop came into the library around 6.  The main agenda for the meeting was to practice the skit they would put on at a larger cub scout get-together next week.  They had decided to do We're Going On A Bear Hunt.  They erected a six person tent just inside the entrance of the library.  (Good thing the last of the patrons had left earlier.)   They marched in a long line through the stacks as they splashed through pretend mud, waded the imaginary stream, walked through a make believe forest, tiptoed into the invented cave, and then discovered ... the metaphysical bear.  Quickly they reversed their actions and all crowded into the tent w/ one child opening the tent's window flap and looking out fearfully.  All quite cute and made even cuter because the little kids put their own 'spin' on the proceedings.   After running through the skit three times, the leaders said they needed to put things away and have snacks.  What happened next brings the phrase 'herding cats' to mind.

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