Friday, March 22, 2019


When my grandmother walked outside on the farm she would be followed by her entourage - first the dog and then a string of farm cats.  I was reminded of that today.  I went into the the utility room and Indy followed me in.  I laughed at her and she came out when I did.  When I took a shower, Dunder was sitting on the sink waiting for me when I came out.  After getting ready for the day I busied myself w/ the usual activities and then sat down at the table for breakfast and to watch the news.  Something was wrong.  All of my pets were missing.  Found Indy waiting patiently in the laundry room.  She must have followed me in there when I started up a load of clothes.  Checked the bathroom.  Yep.  Dunder was still in there.  Hadn't noticed him when I closed the door.  Heard Blitz meowing from my bedroom.  I closed that door when I started up the Roomba.  Sat back down to finish eating - six  eyes watching my every move.  Back to normal.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Seems like I remember a photo of grandma walking towards the barn with the animals following behind. Nice memories. She must have made something they liked. Hopefully not the same experiments she tried to feed us.