Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Monarch butterfly

Not my greatest volunteer stint at the library tonight.  First I got a request through the system for Dickens "Little Dorrit - Volumes I and II" to be sent to another library. Usually for two books there are two requests.  Tried checking them both in but the system only took one.  Left the books and a note on the librarian's desk.  Then a boy dropped off four books and left.  I checked in the books and found they were all overdue 280 days.  Figured the librarian might have already removed them from the library's roster of books so added another note to the librarian's desk that they were back.  A lady filled out a form for a new library card.  After entering her name into the system I found she already had a card from another library in our system.   I could see she hadn't used the old card in 10 years, had moved, and had $13 in fines from the old library. I decided to give her a new card and let her check out books even though she owed over the limit in fines.  Let her know she should talk w/ the librarian sometime to work out how to handle the old fines.   After she left, another note to the librarian about what I did.  One more note to the librarian about a book that wouldn't check out and my time was up for the night.  Probably should stop in at the library in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a frustrating day! Unusual stuff from the get-go!
