Thursday, July 26, 2018

Bedpan Succulents

When Phil and Brent were cleaning the garage they found an old metal bedpan and kettle.   At least I think that's where they came from.  Where they came from before residing in my garage I don't remember.  Decided to give them to the library when they have the Fall White Elephant sale.  It did occur to me that bedpans aren't in high demand anymore so when Evelyn and I went looking for sales on plants at a local nursery saw a bunch of succulents and figured why not make a bedpan planter?  Bought different succulents, took the bedpan out to the potting bench, and went to work.  I cut down a plastic carton that fit the center cavity closely.  The carton has holes in the bottom so in case someone over waters the little plants won't be sitting in water.  As for the bedpan itself ... well, figured that must be water-proof.  Scrunched down a little peat pot for the 'spout' and put a plant in there too.   Still had plants left over so planted two other old planters too.  Can't remember the date for the library sale but if it's before Halloween there won't be any problem in selling them.


Anonymous said...

The bedpan and kettle came from Grandpa & Grandma Mayer's basement.
The plantings are really pretty!


Anonymous said...

Love succulents! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

A creative use for a bedpan to be sure!