Sunday, May 06, 2018

Sunrise colors

When the clothes line went up last year my worry was that the birds would think it was a great place to perch and leave their poop on the lines. Haven't seen a bird ever even land there. What does seem to have an affinity for the lines are wood ticks. I have been daily putting clothes out on the line lately. Yesterday I found two ticks on clothes as I unpinned them to bring them back inside. Today before hanging out the wash I checked the metal posts on either side - no ticks. I checked the lines themselves and did find one tick crawling along. Later when I took in the clothes I picked five ticks off different items. There are no overhanging or nearby trees or bushes. The grass is mowed short around the line. It has been windy. I've often wondered if ticks can become airborne. They like to climb as high up as they can and maybe by choice or fortune the wind carries them off to another destination. Could also just be that a few ticks do make the climb up the polls and onto the lines. Don't know. It's pretty annoying though to have to do a tick check on the clean clothes I bring in from the line.


Anonymous said...

Maybe have to think up some kind of a tick barrier for each pole. Mabe spray them with deet, or put Vaseline around the pole. Probably are better options.


Anonymous said...

It might defeat the purpose of line dried clothes but you could put them in the dryer on high for 5 minutes after you bring them inside. The ticks would be roasted.


Brent said...

Mutant ticks that have wings, ha. That would make an interesting horror movie.