Saturday, February 01, 2014

My home

Panoramic picture by my cousin Paul Domsten.

When I hear someone swear, I make a mental note that they are stupid. Why our elected officials (most recently Rep. Grimm), movies (Wolf of Wall Street comes to mind), and people making comments on social media can't find other words to express themselves eludes me. English has a plethora of wonderful insulting/demeaning terms which are much more colorful than merely swearing. If it is helpful, some of mine are: asinine, blithering, coccydynia, craven, dolt, fatuous, harpy, imbecilic, inane, insipid, incubus/succubus, loblolly, moronic, obtuse, sanctimonious, unctuous, vapid, and vacuous (to name just a few).

1 comment:

Pete said...

Nice perspective. Love all the wood! Another good job by Paul.