Friday, January 31, 2014

Yellow - White House East Room

Picture courtesy of Rebecca Webb.

Remember the old excuse "The dog ate my homework"? Well, the dog ate my passport. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Indy chewing on something on the bed. Decided to just check on what it was. It took awhile for me to recognize what the paper booklet was. I prayed that it was the old passport but no such luck. It was the new one I just received in November. The picture is pretty much gone but the name is readable. I'd left the drawer out where I keep important papers and it's about nose level for her. She has never chewed on anything I haven't expressly given her before. Think she just has a real bad case of cabin fever.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Maybe she was afraid you were planning a trip and were going to leave her alone at home.