The boss said the police were asked to check on the Farm Supply store. The request came from someone needing more propane to heat their home. They continually tried to get hold of the store to order more but no one was picking up the phone at the store. Jody added that the cost of propane was now double the December price so she too tried to order more. The Farm Supply store clerk asked how much was left in her tank. "It's at 33%." she replied. "Let us know when you are at 20%." was the store reply. Because of our run of super cold temps, the demand is much higher than normal. With the price spiking, people want their home tanks filled before the price goes up even more or there is no supply left. One of those times, I'm glad I run electric.
What a perfect photo!
We went to the annual meeting of our co-op that supplies our propane last Saturday. The price was $4.25/gallon and we were expecting two days with highs below zero coming up. We set our thermostat for 60 during the day when we were home and 56 at night. We huddles around our fireplace to stay toasty and were grateful for the geothermal we put in fall 2012.
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