Monday, January 27, 2014

Yellow - Model coupe

A picture courtesy of Pete Valesano.

I walked out w/ a flashlight this morning to check the driveway. Nope, wasn't going to make it through the drifts. Went back in, called the boss's phone and left a message that I wouldn't be in. Shrugged out of my work clothes and sat down dejected to watch an episode of "Bachelor Father" (who writes this stuff?) Indy's head suddenly snapped up and she ran barking at the front door. Five a.m. and the plow guy was here! While he cleared out the snow, I got back into my clothes and made it (a little late) to work. On the way home from work, the sun was shining, it had warmed up to -14 degrees, and the winds had died down a bit. Had the nagging feeling though that everything was settling in before the weather gets REALLY bad tonight.

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