Saturday, September 21, 2013

Moonlit clouds

The weather has turned cold. Time to make my first crockpot of chili for the season. My basic recipe is simple - hamburger, diced tomatoes, chunked onions, kidney beans, chili powder, cumin, basil, and pepper. However I add in whatever else I might have on hand. The little pepper plant I put in a clay pot by the front door turned out to be a habanero and has the cutest little red peppers. I called my friend in Texas and asked how many habanero peppers I should put in the crockpot. "One" was her immediate reply, "and remove all of the seeds!" I let the crockpot concoction bubble for about three hours. I took a tiny taste. Whoa, it was hot! The judicious addition of sour cream, cheese, and chips to my bowl of chili got it down to edible. Actually, it was quite good.


Anonymous said...

We love chili, too. One of the great benefits of cool temperatures. When I moved to Indiana, I discovered they throw in a handful of macaroni about 30 minutes before "eating time".


Anonymous said...

I n Memphis you ate it with cornbread.JVM

Anonymous said...

Love this picture! It looks like a rip in the atmosphere. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I love chilli season! Carolyn