Sunday, June 02, 2013


Long walk through the swamps. It's that time of year to be looking for certain things. Still can't get deep into the newly cut black ash swamp. All of the rain has kept it too wet to support any weight. Flag spears are coming up, arum, sarsaparilla, and blue bead lily but no flowers. Did find flowers on Solomon's seal and another flower I have yet to identify. There was evidence of a hungry bear. Indy flushed some turkey. Tried to get a brown thrush picture but they are illusive characters. Once home I broke this year's record for ticks - 46. No where near my all time best (or would that be worst?).

1 comment:

Pete said...

46! Yikes! ...and not the "all time" record. I've never heard of so many. An instance where you're glad to be "ticked OFF" once back home.