Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bunchberry flowers

Got out of bed and to work an hour early. Immediately ran a bucket of soapy water, grabbed a brush, and touched up the areas of the parlor that had gotten dirty since our cleaning mania yesterday. Finished. Changed into the t-shirt w/ the official dairy logo and was ready to go when the boss arrived at 4:30 a.m. The Oracle film crew and Land-O-Lakes personnel started by interviewing the boss outside by the dairy's sign. An excellent location since the sun was just rising behind him. They came into the parlor and filmed Antonio and I milking. These guys had never been around cows before so stood where ever they thought they could get a good shot. One guy was up, standing in the ally, planning on photographing the cows exiting on either side of him. I tactfully asked the boss if I should let the cows go. The boss quickly realized what was going on and suggested the guy might want to stand on the other side of the bars. As docile as a cow seems, they can inflict a lot of damage if you aren't careful. After awhile, the film crew migrated into the barn. When I left the dairy, they were outside taking pictures in a hay field. So ... that's the story of my film debut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When is opening night? Will there also be a matinee showing?