Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Tomorrow the dairy is having guests so after milking we all went into a cleaning frenzy. Melissa and I started scrubbing the milking parlor. Carol, the owner, came in w/ a step ladder and was washing off the light fixtures. Mike steam cleaned the vet room and then came in to do the same to the parlor. After the usual scrubbing was finished, I worked w/ tiny brushes on the air hoses. When Mike finished, I rinsed down again. Finished just in time. Looked up to see Antonio and Mauricio come in to start the afternoon milking at 1:00 p.m. After the evening milking tonight, Mauricio will scrub down the walls again and I'll come in a bit earlier in the morning to do any touch up required on the pipes and backsplash. Might seem like a lot of work but no one complained. Guess the whole crew takes pride in what we do.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Pride in workmanship .... priceless!

Great Columbine photo with blurred dark background for contrast.