Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's snowing again.

At breakfast this morning, my friend, Nancy, said she doesn't read my blog because it's boring. After breakfast, we went to church. After church, I came home and printed out my taxes. They are ready to go. Then started working on the dreaded CT form for the town. Have to finish it while I'm still clerk. Good day to be inside no matter what the reason. It's pretty nasty outside.                                                                                       Yes, guess the blog is pretty boring. 


Brent said...

Not boring to me. Need my blog fix nearly every day. It's often entertaining. Nancy should read it for the pictures if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Never boring to me! Your blog is the first thing I check on my computer in the morning. I worry if you miss a day, but I try to be patient.


Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day. Never boring, always true to life.

Kim A.

Kathy said...

Bet Nancy finds it interesting now! :)

ps - I always enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I like to hear what some of the relatives are doing and commentting.JVM

Shelby said...

My guess is Nancy already knows most of what you say in your blog because you talk to her often. But for those of us who live far away, we enjoy seeing what you're up to. I especially like learning new things that I didn't know before and get a kick out of hearing about your job at the dairy. You just keep blogging the same way you always have. :-)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I said it was boring, I believe I said something more along the lines of I just don't care! (HAHA, just kidding!) It's more like Shelby said, I get the news in person, and I do occasionally get on and look at your pictures like Brent said. I just don't read most of your verbiage! This way we have lots to talk about when we do get together. You know I support face-to-face encounters over the electronic versions.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Shelby here. For those of us family members who live far away, your blog helps keep me connected to those in WI.Love it!