Monday, December 10, 2012

A nice day to be home

My driveway wasn't plowed before I left for work (4:00 a.m. - go figure) but was nicely done by the time I got home.  The roads in between home and work were OK but still snow covered and I wasn't relishing going out on them again.  Fortunately, just as I got home my phone rang.  It was the office where I had an appointment this afternoon.  They said they understood if people didn't want to venture out today and, if I wanted, could fit me in on another day this week.  I took them up on their offer.  That meant I could stay in for the rest of the day.  Threw a couple of logs on the fire and snuggled up w/ a quilt and the dog in my recliner.  Sure, I have lots to do, after all - tis the Season - but there is nothing quite like a winter's nap (except maybe a summer's nap.)


Kathy said...

My Anderson Windows appt. did not show up Monday. I did not even bother to call and inquire why, I already knew.

Dispatcher called later in the day full of apologies. I just said no problem, I remember those commutes from long ago. So glad they're done!

Jordan Journal said...

Figure out the picture thing already, you're killing me!! I'm a visual learner and I need to see your life.

Urducell said...

Nice Blogger.... I Like Your Blogg.....