Saturday, December 15, 2012

My National Heritage gift

 For 2012, the gift my friends gave had to be something indicative of their national heritage. I'm mostly German but have significant portions of Swede and Swiss. I asked my brother Brent if he could make a box that had a kinda 'Black Forest' look. We finally settled on this oak leaf and acorn pattern that he had used before on a shelf he made me. The wood is from some leftover pieces of oak trim when my house was built. After Brent built it we had the sides fitted w/ a green glass. I filled it w/ chocolate
bars. (What could be more Swiss than chocolate?) Then I wrapped the whole thing in a pale blue box w/ bright yellow ribbon - just like the Swedish flag. So I accounted for all of my heritages.  In 2011, I gave Nancy a box w/ secret compartments for last year's subject "Trojan Wars" and for 2012 Kris got this "National Heritage" box.  I picked Kathy's name for Christmas 2013.   How much you want to bet she gets a box?

1 comment:

Pete said...

Beautiful concept, design, and workmanship! Tough to give away and not keep for yourself.