Sunday, December 09, 2012


The Weather Channel is naming blizzards this year similar to how hurricanes are named.  Hurricanes are given normal names but blizzards will be assigned more "nerdy" monikers.  Athena (Greek goddess of wisdom and war) and Brutus (the most famous of Julius Caesar's assassins) have already blown through in other parts of the country.   Today the Northwoods are getting hit w/ Caesar himself.  All day it's been steady snow but the forecast is only for about eight inches total.  I started a fire in the fireplace this morning and fed it logs all day.  Sat at the table, finished my on-line shopping and OD'ed on sugar.  Ventured outside a few times w/ Indy.  She thought running through the white stuff was great fun.  Me ... not so much.    I've enjoyed this weekend but by tomorrow, hopefully, Caesar will be vanquished once again and I'll be able to get back into the real world.

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