Sunday, September 16, 2012

Russell and Donna

Russ and Donna needed a picture for their granddaughter's class. They gave me a call and asked if I could take one w/ their camera. Since Indy and I hadn't taken a walk yet, we hiked through the fields to their place. We took some pictures out by the blueberry bushes and then Russell brought out the tractor (little kids love tractors) and I took some "action" shots. When we figured that we had taken enough pictures to have a good shot, I took some pictures w/ my camera and packed up to walk home. Russell asked if I wanted a ride home on the tractor. Now, I know I should have declined. I need the daily walk as much as Indy does. However it's been eons since I rode on the back of a tractor and I couldn't resist. Indy ran along side while Russell drove me back right to my door. At least Indy got her exercise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture of the two of them!