Monday, September 17, 2012

Blister Beetle

My grandmother would make apfelkuchen for Christmas and special occasions. I loved the stuff and thought it looked so pretty. For a long time, I've wanted to try making it but, I guess, lacked the inspiration.  Recently a friend gave me a large shallow round pan that was reminiscent of the same kind of pan Grandma would use. Looked up on the Internet and found a myriad of recipes for apfelkuchen. Picked one w/ a picture that looked the most like what she made and gave it a try. Turns out it's fairly easy to make, beautiful to look at in my friend's dish, and is very tasty.  Think it will be great for breakfast w/ a cup of coffee.


Brent said...

Wow that brings back memories of one of grandma's better treats.
Hope you'll make some when I'm over sometime.

Anonymous said...

Loved Grandma's apple kuchen. I asked her about it one time and she did not have a "recipe". I am sure it involved lots of sugar, butter and cinnamon. Yum! We will look forward to having it, again, at your home???
