Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Happy 60th

My birthday today. I had a smile on my face this morning during work. The herdsman and Andrew were back at work and we were finishing up the hospital group of cows. The herdsman and Andrew were standing in the middle of the milking pit catching up and gossiping (I think they are in a "bro-mance"). I was dumping 40 lb. buckets of milk (some of the cows are treated and we can't use their milk) and then got the dolly to move a 100+ lb. canister out of the milking parlor, through the bulk tank room and outside to be picked up. The smile? The realization that the two fit 20something guys were standing around while the 60 year old chick was doing all of the heavy work. Guess turning 60 isn't that big a deal.


Pete said...

Happy Birthday! Best wishes for a great upcoming year.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Hope you had a nice birthday! Carolyn

Jordan Journal said...

Happy Birthday and I love your story. As Maddie would say,"You go girl"! 60's the new 40!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sue. We have been on our bikes since last Saturday so could not computer support until we hit the town of Hazen. See you next weekend.
