Monday, August 06, 2012

Eastern Tailed Blue butterfly on Birdsfoot Trefoil

The herdsman is getting married. His fiancee has a good job on the other side of the state. Therefore, he is looking for a job near there and the dairy is looking for a new herdsman. (Please, please God don't let his fiancee change her mind!) Today, we had a person come in for a "working interview". She is currently a herdsman at a dairy about 60 miles away. She came across as calm and competent. She gave us instruction, listened to us, and was gentle w/ the cows. Think Carol, the dairy owner, was impressed w/ her too. I know I've only seen her work for one milking session but it's a thumbs up from me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'll be sending "good wishes" their way too.