Orion gave me her birthday present last night. During the summer I leave the door to the garage open and that's where she did her "shopping". She walked into the kitchen caterwauling and once she had my attention, opened up her mouth and dropped a mouse at my feet - a live one of course. I jumped on a chair. She gave me another moment to give chase and when I didn't she deftly bounced after it, caught it, and brought it back to the chair where I was still perched and dropped it again. Eventually it stopped moving and she ate it on the kitchen floor. Great. This morning as I was getting ready for work I heard that same caterwaul. She walked into the bathroom and dropped another mouse - a live one again. I stood on top of the toilet seat until the mouse escaped into one of my shoes. Orion settled down to wait the mouse out and I left the lights in the bathroom on for her. Now you know why I shake my shoes before I put them on.
I found the post card that I was going to send in your birthday card today. (Like the saying goes, a DAY a late & a DOLLAR short). I,ll put it with the Christmas cards & see if i can remember.
Remember, I'm 10 years older, so I have an excuse for forgetting. JVM
Orion probably 'shopped' for the fattest mouse she could find and is now wondering why you don't appreciate these fine things. There is just no pleasing some people! Ha!
Clowns freak me out more than mice.
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