Thursday, August 02, 2012

Full Moon

One of the temporary weekend milkers also works at an insurance firm. They pointed out to the dairy owners that if you have more than three steps, OSHA requires a handrail. There are three steps up on either side of the parlor pit (where we stand to put on milkers) to where the cows stand. However, I guess you also have to count the top of the steps and the bottom of the steps so that makes five. Yesterday the owners had handrails installed. I joked w/ Eric, the owner, that they were put in for me since I was about to turn 60. He answered that maybe they should have put in a wheelchair ramp instead! I realize that the handrails were put in for our safety but I worry they are overkill. No one has ever fallen on those stairs yet Mike and I have already painfully bumped into the new handrails twice so far.

1 comment:

Pete said...

"Overkill" comes to my mind too. OSHA probably has regs for inclines as well. In the IBM Mfg bldg I work, people are constantly pushing, pulling, lifting sizeable machines and parts all day long. Doing several miles of walking (it's over half mile just to the cafeteria). Yet, there are 8-10 handicapped parking spaces outside closest to the entrance, that I've never seen anyone use.