Monday, March 12, 2012

Jupiter and Venus

Conjunction of the second and third brightest elements in our night sky (first is the moon). Jupiter is in the upper left and if you click on the picture you can see two of it's moons - Io and Callisto (I think). Venus is in the lower right - brightest because it is (1) close to the sun (2) close to the Earth and (3) has a covering of highly reflective clouds. The element in between is still a mystery to me. I checked star charts and there is something in Aries there but couldn't find a Flamsteed number for it so it might not be a star. Having problems finding charts showing things below 6th degree magnitude. Anyway - if you aren't cloud covered tonight just after sunset, look to the west. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cool!!!

Kim A.