Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rabbit tracks

Had to stop in the middle of milking today. Yesterday, when the milk hauler picked up, the bulk tank was within 100 lbs of it's total capacity. Since each cow averages over 30 lbs of milk for every milking, we were within a few cows of milk bubbling out the top of the tank. So Land-O-Lakes sent out their milk hauler early. We stopped everything while he took his milk sample, measurement of the level of the milk in the tank, and then sucked out the milk. Once he was gone, we started everything up and finished. Not something you want to do every day - cows hanging around in the holding pen too long aren't happy.  The dairy owners have to decide if they will add a second bulk tank (there is a place for it), replace the existing tank w/ a truck tanker, or cull some cows.   Actually, if you are going to have a problem, I guess this is as good a problem as you can get to have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting tracks - gives the illusion that they are protruding from the snow rather than sunk in.
The shadows give that impression also.
