Sunday, March 11, 2012

Black-capped Chickadee

I got "Spring Ahead" jet lag at church this morning.  Romans 8:18-27 are interesting verses and the pastor was doing a good job of explaining the nuances of the passage but I could feel myself drifting off.  So I resorted to one of the tricks that I used to endure boring meetings at my old job - 12's.  I wrote down the names of the son's of Jacob, the constellations of the ecliptic, the animals in the Chinese Zodiac, the Greek gods on the Olympic counsel (and then named their Roman counterparts), and the months in Spanish. That was sufficient to get me through the service and to anyone looking around I just appeared to be taking notes. Once home and a nap, I think I'm caught back up w/ the clock.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Great picture!