Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Grove before Sunrise

The dairy owners treated us to a meal out tonight because we met our Somatic Cell count goal last month.  Two of the guys had attended a fertilizer course that afternoon so I listened to a discussion on the pros and cons of 2 x 2 vs. pop-up. I understood about every other word but it was fascinating anyway. After dinner the owners started telling tales of their days at university (both of them have Agricultural degrees). Typical college high jinks - just instead of occurring in bars it was barns (and replace cars w/ tractors).


Anonymous said...

I guess that we all have attended "fertilizer" courses at times.

Sarina said...

I have a view like that of some trees as I leave my little dirt road every day on the way into work.. I have toyed with the idea of taking a picture there every day I commute to see how the view changes with the seasons and the amount of light.. but a lot of it would be in the dark... lol.