Wednesday, February 22, 2012

On the cusp of the moon

Ori was crouched w/ both of her tiny paws underneath the bathroom door. I moved the door ajar and saw she was after her foam ball. I retrieved the ball and threw it out into the living room. She went flying after it, catching it on a bounce. Before long she was padding back, ball in her mouth. She mewed and dropped it at my feet. She was feeling frisky tonight. I tossed it a few more times for her and each time she brought it back. Unlike dogs though, cats will not retrieve ad infinitum and now the ball sits forlorn in the middle of the floor where it ended up after my last throw. Later, when she's in the mood to play again, she'll find the ball and drop it near me. I know because I've found the ball in all sorts of places - the computer keyboard, the bathtub, the bed. Another reason the toilet seat is always left down in my house.

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